Dr. Maribel Marquina joins the Secretariat of the Biosanitary Research Institute of Valencian International University

We welcome Dr. Maribel Marquina, who joins the Secretariat of the Biosanitary Research Institute. Dr. Marquina has a degree in Microbiology from the National University of Trujillo-Peru and a PhD in Biotechnology from the Autonomous University of Barcelona. She has held various management and research positions in top research centers such as the University of Barcelona, Pompeu Fabra University, the Bellvitge Biomedical Research Institute and the August Pi i Sunyer Biomedical Research Institute, among others. In addition, she has worked in teaching at VIU as Professor in the Epidemiology and Public Health Master's Degree of the Faculty of Health Sciences.

Dr. Marquina has extensive specialized training in scientific production, laboratory management and research projects in Health Sciences, focused on translational biomedicine.

Dr. Marquina has valued her incorporation to the Institute:

"I am very happy and excited to be part of this great team of professionals whose challenge is to turn the Institute into a reference in biosanitary research, both nationally and internationally."

Welcome to the team!