Identity of the IIB-VIU
  • To transmit and establish a deep respect for the concept of "University Research Institution" to ensure that it is present in all the professionals that are part of the center.
  • To be highly committed and rigorous in biosanitary research at the university environment, with independence of any interest beyond the scientific evaluation.
  • To focus the research areas on human beings and their health, together with the social and environmental factors that may affect it.
  • To prepare researchers for the challenges of the future in Biomedicine.

The vision of the IIB-VIU is that biosanitary research should contribute to the improvement of health and social welfare through education and research of excellence, sustainable and equitable in a context of international collaboration and global impact.


Based on this vision, the main mission of the IIB-VIU is to become a Biosanitary Research Institute of reference and prestige in the national and international scene. To this end, we want to consolidate a center for education and research with a special focus on translational and clinical research areas in order to transfer all the knowledge generated by the researchers to tangible improvements for the society. We will work for quality education and research for the institute's PhD and Master's students, in order to enhance their talent and the benefits that their research can bring to Goal 3 (Health and Well-being) of the SDGs.

  • Engagement
  • Excellence
  • Social Responsibility
  • Social responsibility
  • Fulfillment
Strategic Pillars
  • Innovation: To perform cutting-edge research in fields such as Nutrition, Public Health, Neuropsychology and Bioinformatics, always with a focus on their applicability to society in order to return the trust placed in biosanitary researchers.
  • Excellence: To have a team of leading professionals in different biosanitary disciplines to develop projects which can be funded in national and international calls and with a dedication to the training of new researchers.
  • Synergies: To generate a working and meeting environment among the institute's researchers to promote collaborations among them and with other research centers in order to enhance the IIB-VIU groups and improve their competitiveness and impact at the international level.